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Most checkbooks can only do one thing, checking. The VISA Business Debit Card does this and much more.
The VISA Business Debit Card gives you a faster, more economical, more convenient way to buy the products and services you need. That’s because it allows you to withdraw funds from your checking account without writing a check.
Our Digital Banking system gives you secure access to your accounts 24 hours a day.
With the Internet access you’ll be able to check account balances, transfer funds, and much more all on line.
A convenient and easy to use service that gives you the access to information you need to better manage your finances.
Overdraft PrivilegeSM is a customer service provided to eligible checking accounts.
Rather than automatically returning unpaid any non-sufficient fund items, we will consider; without obligation on our part, payment of your reasonable overdrafts, as long as you maintain your account in good standing.